Wednesday, August 19, 2009

lightning quickness

do you get what we're talkin' about when we say, "light speed ahead!"?

does every cell in your body have the tactile understanding of vibrating fast enough to transcend the perception of time. it feels like a slowing down. then a speeding up. then the polarities of contrast between fast and slow are left for the blueprints of this tangible reality.

i'm back already!

Monday, August 17, 2009

tale of tail of dragon

are you an arrow or a sacred six pointed star? do you change with the seasons of the sun, or the emotions of this one? you obviously molt. when do adaptogens transcend into manifestation? who pays attention to these subtle shifts? come play with me please.

none of this follows logic, and it all creates the soapbox of universal expression through a point of freedom. flying here feels... levity behind my ears. when the doors open to the castle in your heart cave, who is here to greet you? when the tail acquires a mouth to speak, what does hind sight say? and when was the last time you smelt with both nostrils... thanks Be.

i summon: sun charge forth, the fifth breath is upon us. the senses are exempt from making sense; i release my judgments of explicit continuity in favor of living in the question.

Who is driving.